The defeat of Spanish armada
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Defeat of the Spanish Armada

This article is a part of all information about the Spanish Armada. Here is the complete list.

Spanish Armada significance

How was Spain before sailing of Armada?

How was Prince Phillip? What was his policy?

When did the Spanish armada sail?

When did England know about Armada?

How was the early fight between the Spanish and the English?

How did the battle with Spanish armada progress?

How did the Dutch help in fight with Spanish Armada?

How was the Chase, fire and final countdown?

How was England’s resistance against the armada?

What was the significance of British defeating the Spanish armada?

What destroyed the Spanish Armada

When was the defeat of the Spanish Armada?


After the attack of July 29th, the battered and reeling Armada was forced to flee to the north of Scotland. The English chased the Armada to Scotland but was forced to come back because of lack of supplies and provisions.
By this time the Armada was in very bad shape, it was completely devoid of any supplies, gunpowder and provisions to even retreat back to Spain.

Still, it escaped and retreated. The Armada had a hard time returning back to Scotland and around Ireland. Many of the spoilt ships drowned in the sea and others wrecked on the way. By this time, the size of the Spanish Armada had lessened and became 1/4th of its former size. The last of the survivors and the Spanish ships reached Spain in October. According to statistics, around 15000 men had perished and more than half of the Armada had collapsed.

How did the English defeat the Spanish Armada? Click here to read about it.

Spanish armada timeline
Spanish armada timeline

Who was the leader of the Spanish Armada?

The Spanish armada was a huge fleet of many ships and was, therefore, commanded by several people. Alonso Perez de Guzman y Sotomayor who was the Seventh Duke of Medina Sidonia was the most important and supreme commander of the Spanish armada.

What Spanish king commissioned the Spanish Armada?

King Philip II of Spain was the one to commission the famous armada with the help of an army from the Spanish Flanders.


The defeat of Spanish armada

The Outcome

England’s defeat of the Spanish Armada made England a world-class power and put England as a super-power on the World Map. This was one of the biggest and most memorable Anglo-Spanish Wars ever seen in world history. Spain despite its rigorous preparations suffered a huge blow and was defeated by the English under the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.

Queen Elizabeth’s defeat of The Spanish Armada made England rule the world. England proved its superiority and hegemony. England’s victory against such a potent and powerful enemy showed England’s strength and valour. They became an undisputed power. England had introduced very long-range and ballistic weapons. This was for the first time in the history of world naval warfare.

The Spanish Armada defeated
The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

The Significance

How did the defeat of the Spanish Armada affect Spain?

This defeat of the Spanish Armada saved England from an invasion. The Dutch Republic was saved from perishing.  The defeat ruined Spain’s image who was considered the biggest power in the world.  The fight ended by England forcing a Stalemate. England forced a stalemate on Spain and emerged victoriously. This victory boosted their morale and pride in a very big way.

The Dutch gave England full support. It is noted that the Defeat of the Spanish Armada was also because of Dutch help and support during the war. It is the Dutch in the 1600s that ended the Spanish supremacy and influence altogether.

The Anglo-Spanish Naval War
The Battle

In the End…

The English were also in a bad shape but they were fortunate enough that they won. They could not repay their debts for a very long time to come. They could not pay their soldiers nor could they save their soldiers from dying because of diseases. Many soldiers lost their lives because of diseases and hardships.

The extended fight and contending forces had its ill-effects on both sides. Spain lost many of its ships. England suffered material and personnel losses as well. The only satisfaction for the English was their victory. It should be remembered that England fought for its identity and freedom. They defended themselves. Ultimately, English Naval Fleet won and turned out victorious.

The English Victory
The English Defeat of the Spanish Armada


The Defeat

The defeat of the Spanish Armada has long been seen as one of the biggest naval attacks in world history. It is also one of the biggest achievements of England. Not only did they defeat the Spanish Armada, but they also made them run for their lives.  This is seen as a major victory for England.

So, we see in the reign of Queen Elizabeth and under the leadership of Lord Charles Howard and Sir Francis Drake, England defeated the Invincible Armada.

This marked a new phase in world history which paved the way for England’s supremacy. Queen Elizabeth became an undisputed figure who drove England to the road of victory.

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