Queen Elizabeth
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Questions and Answers about Queen Elizabeth

What was Queen Elizabeth’s childhood like?


Elizabeth was born at Greenwich Palace and was named after both her grandmothers, Elizabeth of York and Elizabeth Howard. She was the second child of Henry VIII of England born in wedlock to survive infancy. When Elizabeth was two years and eight months old her mother was executed on 19 May 1536.

Elizabeth was declared illegitimate and deprived of the title of Princess. After the disgrace and execution of her mother, Elizabeth’s life was never to be quite the same again. She was probably far too young to be greatly affected by her mother’s sudden extinction, but her lifestyle changed considerably. Later, she was stripped of her title of Princess.

Questions and Answers about Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth

How did Elizabeth become Queen?

Elizabeth became queen in 1558 when she was twenty-five years old. Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII but was declared illegitimate by the catholic church of England. King Henry VIII was succeeded by Edward after his death who dies at the age of six.

After Edward’s death, Mary Tudor ascended the throne after whose death Elizabeth gained it.

Who wanted to replace Elizabeth with Mary, Queen of Scots?

The Catholic church of England conspired with Mary to replace Queen Elizabeth with her. Mary was a catholic and wanted to restore Catholicism in England, while Queen Elizabeth was strictly Protestant.

They conspired with King Philip II of Spain, which was also a Roman Catholic country to organize an invasion of England and place Mary as the Queen. They even conspired to kill the Queen in the Babington plot.

What were Queen Elizabeth’s hobbies?

Queen Elizabeth was fond of court masques – music, singing, dancing and performances of dramas in the court were common. Elizabeth was a great patron of art and culture and it was during her reign that Art and music flourished in England. She single-handedly steered her country towards the English Renaissance.

young queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth with a book

Apart from art, Elizabeth also loved hunting. She was extremely well educated and was proficient in six different languages.

What was Queen Elizabeth I’s personality like?

Elizabeth I was an extremely intelligent and smart woman. She was very well educated, especially for her time and gender and studied subjects like arithmetic, philosophy and rhetoric. Elizabeth was clever and witty and enjoyed court masques.

However, she had a strong personality and her will was the law in her country. She was, in fact, famous for her temper which she had inherited from her father King Henry VIII and mother, Anne Boleyn. She was expert in maintaining her regal and grand appearance before the public.

Why did Queen Elizabeth wear white make-up?

Elizabeth was very conscious of her appearance and sought always to look young and beautiful. She was determined to maintain the illusion of the ever-youthful virgin queen in court and in public and therefore used white make-up to hide the wrinkles and marks of ageing on her face.

Elizabeth. possibly, had also suffered from smallpox when she was a child, which left scars on her face, Hiding those car marks was also a reason for applying excessive white make-up on the face.

Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth

What important things did she do as queen?

One of her first moves as queen was the establishment of an English Protestant church, of which she became the Supreme Governor. This Elizabethan Religious Settlement later evolved into today’s Church of England. In government, Elizabeth was more moderate than her father and half-siblings had been. One of her mottoes was “video et taceo” (“I see, and say nothing”).

Elizabeth’s first policy toward Scotland was to oppose the French presence there. She feared that the French planned to invade England and put Mary, Queen of Scots, who was considered by many to be the heir to the English crown, on the throne.

Why is Queen Elizabeth a hero?

Queen Elizabeth is often considered a hero for the people of her country because she taught people to never give up. Despite going through terrible incidents in her childhood and being declared illegitimate, she returned with unimaginable power and support and proved herself before the people.

Elizabeth never cracked under pressure and always put her subjects before herself. She maintained her courage and compassion until the last day of her life and became a just and fair queen. She successfully resisted the invasion of her country, suppressed rebellion, maintained law and order along with encouraging the growth of art and culture.

What did Queen Elizabeth look like
What did Queen Elizabeth look like

What made Queen Elizabeth I a good leader?

Queen Elizabeth’s reign ensured an era of stability and prosperity in England. The economy of the country improved during her reign and gained power over various other territories. England defeated the Spanish armada and ruled the sea routes.

She encouraged literacy and art and some of the greatest literary figures of England rose during her time, Shakespeare being the most famous of them all.

How did Elizabeth I use propaganda to strengthen her rule?

Queen Elizabeth maintained a very stately appearance before her nobles. She appeared before the public rarely which was a rare occasion for the people to be able to see their queen. The nobles were expected to arrange for lavish entertainments for her.

She also used the church to control power. Attending the church was made compulsory and there was a particular prayed for the queen’s majesty in the service.

What is she best remembered for?

Elizabeth’s reign is known as the Elizabethan era, famous above all for the flourishing of English drama, led by playwrights such as William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, and for the seafaring prowess of English adventurers such as Sir Francis Drake.

Elizabeth is acknowledged as a charismatic performer and a dogged survivor, in an age when the government was ramshackle and limited and when monarchs in neighbouring countries faced internal problems that jeopardised their thrones. In religion she was relatively tolerant, avoiding systematic persecution.

She was committed above all else to preserving English peace and stability. Her genuine love for her subjects was legendary. Only a few years after her death in 1603, they lamented her passing.

What was Queen Elizabeth’s life like?

Elizabeth became queen at the age of 25, and Elizabeth declared her intentions to her Council and other peers who had come to Hatfield to swear allegiance. he inherited a bankrupt nation, torn by religious discord, a weakened pawn between the great powers of France and Spain. She ruled alone for nearly half a century, lending her name to a glorious epoch in world history. She dazzled even her greatest enemies.

Her sense of duty was admirable, though it came at great personal cost. Regarding her marriage, from the start of Elizabeth’s reign, it was expected that she would marry and the question arose whom. But by 1570, senior figures in the government privately accepted that Elizabeth would never marry or name a successor.

More Info On-Queen Elizabeth I Biography, Queen Elizabeth I Facts, Elizabethan Age, Accessories, Family

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