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BBC The Plantagenets 2014 TV

A 2014 television documentary series that was featured on BBC Two was “The Plantagenets”. It is the series about the House of Plantagenets who ruled over England from 1154 to 1485 for almost about 300 years. This documentary series was presented by Robert Bartlett.

Brief  Introduction of  Robert Bartlett


Robert Bartlett is basically an English historian and a medievalist who is currently a Bishop Wardlaw professor of medieval history at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. He is also working with the British Academy.

Professor Robert Bartlett

Professor completed his University Education at Cambridge Oxford and Princeton. He taught at the University of Edinburgh and Chicago. Robert is also known to have his fellowships in Germany, Israel, and America. He has his specialization in medieval colonialism, England between the 11th and 14th century and the cult of Saints.

His major works include “The Making of Europe: Conquest Colonization and Cultural Change 950-1350” that won the Wolfson History Prize in the year 1993. He had given lectures in many countries and produced three television series for the BBC.

  • Inside the Medieval Wind in 2008 – The documentary is about the investigation of the intellectual landscapes of the medieval world
  • The Normans in 2010- This is a series about the wide impact of the Mediterranean countries and the far Holy Land on Britain
  • The Plantagenets in 2014 -This is about the great Royal dynasty

Summary of The Plantagenets

Robert characterizes Plantagenets as a ” Fascinating but very Furious Dynasty”.

Robert Bartlett who is very popular for TV history has described the House of Plantagenets very cleverly. The documentary runs in such a manner that it dispatches the sweeps of the past with accurate precision. Almost all are very familiar with the Tudor dynasty, but not much is known about the longest ruling dynasty of England: The Plantagenets.

The series is full of conspiracy and controversy that starts with the accession of Henry II to the throne in 1154 and last till death of Richard III in 1485. The story keeps you stuck with it barely giving you some pauses. It revolves around the fierce and hectic life of Henry II, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Thomas Becket and Richard III.

The details are portrayed in such a way that it brings character to life. Robert begins the series by analyzing how the throne of England and much of France was taken over by Henry II. Later it is revealed how his sons John and Richard stood against each other and his father for claiming the throne. Because of their internal arguments, the royal house stood on the edge of destruction

You’ll need your interest and knowledge about the history along with your wits, but it’s worth it.

Episodes of the series: The Plantagenets

The whole series is divided into three episodes each having their own story.

Episode 1: “The Devil’s Brood” (Released on  17th March 2014)

The first episode of the series is dedicated to Henry II, Eleanor of Aquitaine and their sons. The opening shots describe the dynasty of 15 kings who are descendants of the Countess of Anjou. The starting of the episode depicts the menacing crows and many interior shots of the Gothic churches.

The Plantagenets- Episode 1

Bartlett while describing the episode makes a smooth transition from the marriage of the first Plantagenet, Count Geoffrey of Anjou and Empress Matilda in 1128 to the death of King John in 1216. In between, he also describes why the early Plantagenets were distinctive.

He also reveals the dramatic part of the story where discord between father and his sons, husband, and wives, shows the humiliating part of Henry II especially after the murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket.

Robert also tries to show the reign of the Lionheart  King Richard and then of King John who was a failure. The episode closes with a dirt track in the marshy wilds where King John loses his treasure, horses, and men before he died.

Episode 2: “An English Empire” (Released on  24th March 2014)

Although there was conflict among the Plantagenet family, they tried to expand their reign and power across the Isles of British. They were successful in winning their lands back in France which were previously captured. This period was then considered as the golden age of chivalry where parliament was born and the nationality of English emerged.

The Plantagenets- Episode 2

Episode 3: ” The Death of Kings”(Released on  31st March 2014)

 During the period of the last century of their ruling, four Plantagenet kings are deposed and betrayed. They were murdered by their own family members. As a result of this civil war breaks out across England especially in Britain. This is one of the bloodiest episodes in the history of English Monarchy.

The Plantagenets- Episode 3

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