Elizabethan England Life.com started as a site primarily focused on life in England during the Elizabethan era. Over the period of time, it has grown to include information about logically extending to the era before the Elizabethan era and the period after the Elizabethan era.
The Elizabethan era is the period in English history associated with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558–1603). It is often considered to be a golden age in English history.
During the Elizabethan era, England was a leading naval and military power, with a strong economy and a flourishing culture that included theatre, music, and literature.
The Elizabethan era saw the rise of the Church of England and the defeat of the Spanish Armada, which marked a turning point in English history.
Elizabeth I was nicknamed the “Virgin Queen” because she was never married. She was succeeded by her cousin James VI of Scotland, who became James I of England.
Sir Walter Raleigh was an English explorer, soldier, and writer who is best remembered for his part in the colonization of North America.
The Elizabethan era is named after Queen Elizabeth I, who ruled England from 1558 to 1603. The era is often considered to be a golden age in English history.
Elizabeth I was succeeded by her cousin James VI of Scotland, who became James I of England. The Elizabethan era is often considered to be a golden age in English history.
The English Renaissance began in the 14th century and reached its peak in the 15th century. It was a time of great change in England, with the rise of the Tudor dynasty and the Reformation.
The English Renaissance was followed by the English Civil War and the Restoration of the Monarchy.
The Elizabethan era ended with the death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603. She was succeeded by her cousin James VI of Scotland, who became James I of England.
During the Elizabethan era, many important figures emerged, including Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, and William Shakespeare.
The Elizabethan era was also a time of great exploration. English explorers sailed to the New World and circumnavigated the globe.
The English navy became one of the most powerful in the world. England also established colonies in North America and the Caribbean.
The Elizabethan era was a time of religious turmoil. The Church of England was established during this time, and many people converted to Protestantism.
The Elizabethan era is often considered to be a Golden Age in English history. It was a time of great prosperity and achievement.
The Elizabethan era came to an end with the death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603. her sister, Mary Queen of Scots, was executed by Elizabeth’s orders.
Queen Elizabeth’s reign was followed by the Stuart period. This was a time of great political and religious strife in England.
The Elizabethan era was a time of great exploration. English explorers such as Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh sailed to the Americas and the Caribbean.
The Elizabethan era was also a time of great artistic achievement. The English playwright William Shakespeare wrote some of his most famous works during this time, including Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth.
Periods in English history
Prehistoric Britain until c. 43 AD
British Iron Age c. 800 BC
Roman Britain c. 43–410
Sub-Roman Britain c. 400s – late 500s
Anglo-Saxon c. 500–1066
Norman 1066–1154
Plantagenet 1154–1485
Tudor 1485–1603
Elizabethan Era 1558–1603
Stuart 1603–1714
Jacobean 1603–1625
Caroline 1625–1649
(Interregnum) 1649–1660
Restoration 1660–1714
Georgian Britain 1714–1837
Regency Britain 1811–1820
Victorian Britain 1837–1901
Edwardian Britain 1901–1914
Middle Ages / Medieval times
Common questions about the middle ages
Age of Exploration and Pirates
Tudor and Elizabethan eras are known for the famous explorers who ventured out into the sea to explore new lands. So it is also appropriate to have much information about the age of exploration and famous European explorers Know more about Vasco the Gama the explorer his voyages, his ships. Also read about Christopher Columbus achievements as an explorer. Also read about the Pirates.
There is plenty to know about other famous people in medieval era including William Shakespeare the playwright,
For Elizabethan England, it has information on Elizabethan Costumes, Fashion, Crime, Torture, Theater, Arts and Culture, Family life, Children, Education, Medicine and many other facts about the Elizabethan times. Elizabethan Era is considered as a golden Era in English History.
We have also given detailed information of Superstitions, Laws, Religion during the period.
The below portrait of Elizabeth is a copy of a portrait that was made in approx. 1588 to commemorate the defeat of the Spanish Armada (depicted in the background). Elizabeth I’s international power is reflected by the hand resting on the globe.

William Shakespeare
The most well-known author of all time, William Shakespeare, was during this age. This is source of information for his biography, family life, list of all his plays, poetry and sonnets.
Theatre in Elizabethan England was mainly divided into venues where the plays were performed; open air amphitheatre, inn-yards and playhouses. See more information on theatres.
Elizabethan clothing was a significant thing. In fact there was even a law related to it. These laws stated the colors as well as the type of clothing an individual was allowed to own and wear. Read more interesting information on Elizabethan age clothing.
The Elizabethan England medicines were simple; leaches and cupping were used to get blood. Moreover; tobacco, lily root, arsenic, and dried toad were as well used. Read more on Elizabethan medicines.
Daily life
The Elizabethan period in England had a daily life based on social order: the monarch as the highest, the nobility as the second rank, the gentry as third, merchants as fourth, and laborers as fifth. The queen was believed to be God’s representation here on Earth.
The Elizabethans had high regard for a family in a community. They believed that families were role models for the community. They were standardized and followed deep respect for the importance of hierarchy. See more on daily life during Elizabethan times.
Different tortures during the Elizabethan age
During the reign of Elizabeth I, the most common means of Elizabethan era torture included stretching, burning, beating, and drowning (or at least suffocating the person with water). Torture at that time was used to punish a person for his crimes, intimidate him and the group to which he belongs, gather information, and/or obtain a confession. Read more information on torture.
Children’s education
For most children, education would begin at home, where they were taught the basic etiquettes and proper manners. Other basic principles of childhood included respecting their mother and father, asking their parents blessing, rising early in the morning and saying their prayers. See more on children.
Fashion in England during the Elizabethan Age was considered a way of self-expression for all members of the social ranks.
For women, fashion was simple but made attractive. It covered the skin from the neck to the ankle. Like women’s clothing, men’s clothes were detailed with inconvenient ruffles, too. Boys and girls also wore dresses of the same styles. Dressing was regarded as an art form which is why Elizabethan people took time and effort to dress. Read more information on Elizabethan clothing fashion for men, women, and children.