Elizabethan era theaters map
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Map & Sites of Elizabethan Theatres

The Sites of the Elizabethan Theatres comprises of Elizabethan Inn Yards, The Amphitheatre like ‘The Globe’ and various other playhouses. One can search them and gain information by having a look on the map and the sites which have the different theatres marked on it.

Elizabethan era theaters map
Elizabethan era theatres map

The Map above shows the different theatres that existed during the Elizabethan era. It is quite interesting to note the various places and the names of the different playhouses.

Map of London during Shakespeare
Map of London during Shakespeare

Some of the Names of Elizabethan Theatres



The most initial set-ups where plays were staged were inn-yards and inns.

An Elizabethan Inn-yard

It could hold people from 100-500 people. Some of them are:

Bull Inn, Bell Savage Inn, Cross Keys Inn, Bell Inn, White Hart Inn, George Inn

Elizabethan Inn-yards

Elizabethan Playhouses

Some of the Elizabethan Playhouses are:

Paul’s Playhouse, Blackfriars’s Playhouse ( A very popular playhouse during the Elizabethan Times and James Burbage was forced to sell its lease), The Cockpit, Salisbury Court Playhouse, Gray’s Inn Theatre Playhouse, Middle Temple Inn Theatre, Playhouse, Whitehall Playhouse Theatre, Whitefriars Playhouse.

Elizabethan Playhouses
An Elizabethan Playhouse

Elizabethan Amphitheatres

James Burbage built the first Elizabethan Amphitheatre in 1576 because of the success of the numerous number of plays performed in the inn-yards. The INN-yards had a maximum capacity of 500 people, the amphitheatres could hold around 3000 people.

Elizabethan Amphitheatres
An Elizabethan Amphitheater

The Globe had a capacity to hold around 3000 people in an open space. Some of the popular ones are:

The Theatre ( The first amphitheatre), Newington Butts Theatre, The Curtain, The Rose, The Swan, The Fortune, Boars Head, Red Bull, Bear Garden, Bull King, The Hope etc.

Willaim Shakespeare’s Elizabethan London

Because of the massive influence on the growth and popularity because of William Shakespeare, Elizabethan Era and London are also referred to as William Shakespeare’s Elizabethan London.

Shakespeare's London
William Shakespeare’s London. An Image by British Library

 Different Theatres and their Beautiful Names:

Shakespeare and other playwrights worked to open a number of theatres during the Elizabethan Era. A few of the popular ones are  The Rose, The Curtain Theatre, The Globe, The Bankside Theatre in Shoreditch.

The Curtain - Elizabethan Era
The Curtain Theatre

The Globe is one of the most popular theatres of Elizabethan England.

Globe Theatre, London
The Globe

Other and the most initial ones whose lease and rights were bought by James Burbage is the Bankside Theatre in Shoreditch, England.

Riverside theatre

The Map of The Riverside Theatres, Shoreditch

Some Important Facts and Information about Elizabethan Theatres

Doctor. John Dee was the was the architect of the first Elizabethan Amphitheatre. He was a highly educated Elizabethan and had a very deep knowledge of Greek Amphitheatre. He got influenced by the Greek style of architecture and made Elizabethan Amphitheatres on the same lines. 

Building an amphitheatre was all about speed. They were built with timber, wood, cement, plaster and glasses. A lot of fabric was used for curtains and detailing. Gradually, the size and number of seats increased. This led to a rise in profits. So, we see Elizabethan Theatres and amphitheatres are an important part of the culture and civilisation of Elizabethan England.

Last but not least, the playhouses and Elizabethan theatres was a great source of entertainment for the middle classes and helped in the proliferation of education and played a significant role in the evolution of English Culture.

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