Pope Pius V known by birth name as Antonio Ghislieri was chief of the Catholic Church and the Papal States from 8 January 1566 to his demise in 1572. He is adored as a holy person of the Catholic Church.
He was primarily outstanding for his job in the Council of Trent, the Counter-Reformation, and the institutionalization of the Roman custom inside the Latin Church. Pius V pronounced Thomas Aquinas a Doctor of the Church.

Who was Pope Pius V?
Young Pope Pius V or Antonio Ghisleri was born to a humble couple in 1504. As a youngster, he had been a shepherd. He entered the Dominican request at age fourteen and his lead there was a model, especially his commitment to a plain way of life. This turned into his characterizing trademark for an amazing duration. He was appointed in 1528 and instructed religious philosophy and rationality and served his request in high workplaces.
Ghislieri was a model of individual uprightness and parsimonious blessedness. As an abbot, he requested a similar devotion from his monks. When the Inquisition was built up, he turned into its Inquisitor close to the fringe of Protestant Switzerland, and in 1557, Paul IV selected him Grand Inquisitor at Rome.
It is fascinating to take note of that when he completed the obligations of this office, which incorporated the severest of disciplines he would then implore and fast for extended stretches of time.
The Era of Pope Pius V is about to begin
Upon the passing of Pius IV and on the proposal of Charles Borromeo who had control of the meeting of fifty-three cardinals, Ghislieri was chosen in January of 1566. Taking the name of Pius V, his ceremony was definitely not like past ones. It was a relaxed undertaking and the cash spared was utilized for the requirements of poor people.
Nothing about his own conduct changed upon his height to the papacy. He kept on imploring and fasting with similar power. He wore his hair shirt, rested practically nothing, strolled shoeless in parades to the diverse houses of worship and was dependably a model of earnest commitment soliciting nothing from anybody that he was reluctant to rehearse himself.
It is said that day by day he washed the feet of the poor who came to him looking for help. He visited medical clinics to comfort the diminishing and was dedicated to the necessities of the poor for an incredible duration.

Adages by the Pope Pius V
Some of the famous teachings and quotes of Pope Pius V which still persist and are preserved include:
- All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics.
- The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.
- O Lord, increase my sufferings and my patience!
- You are the salt of the earth! You are the light of the world! See to it that the people are edified by your example, by the purity of your lives, by the moderation of your conduct, and the brilliance of your holiness! God does not ask of you mere ordinary virtue. He demands downright perfection!
- In union with the perfect confidence and hope that the Holy and Blessed Virgin placed in Thee, do I hope O Lord.
- I know very well that I am dealing with men, not with angels.
Pope Pius V and his works
He proceeded with what was crafted by Pius IV and he distributed it. He reconsidered the breviary and built up the type of the Mass, which has endured until the present time. Clerics were required to live in their wards, and religious requests were inspected and proper estimates are taken if important. Discount liberalities and allotments were controlled.

What did Pope Pius V do?
In any case, Pius’ seriousness was not thought by everybody to be the right methodology. He was heartless in his endeavours to extract all way of unethical behaviour and apostasy both in the ecclesiastical court and in the Church on the loose.
Such was the situation in his judgment of Queen Elizabeth I of England when he banned her in 1570, estranging England and causing a rush of awful mistreatment against Catholics.
Another extraordinary worry of Pius’ pontificate and one that involved his last years was the infringement of the Turks with their triumph over the Venetians in Cyprus. This prompted the high purpose of his remote strategy. He could frame collusion against the Turkish armada at Lepanto, overcoming them, in this way putting a conclusion to their impact in the Mediterranean.
The Battle of Lepanto occurred in October of 1571. 30,000 Turks were murdered, 10,000 were taken as prisoners, 90 ships were sunk, 180 were caught, and 15,000 Christian slaves were lacking a place to set.
Pius credited this triumph to Mary and set up dining experience in her respect to honour it. In the end, it turned into the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, and the period of October ended up committed to her. In his Apostolic Constitution on Praying the Rosary, 1569, Pius laid out his extraordinary confidence in Mary and his commitment to her through this petition devoted to her.
What did the Pope do in 1560?
Pope Pius was elected the Pope in 1559 after the death of Pope Paul IV and he was installed in 1560 by taking up the name of Pius V.
What did the Pope do in 1570?
in 1570 Pope Pius V declared that Queen Elizabeth was a heretic and issued a Papal Bull in her name, which declared that the church would not be loyal to the Queen in any manner. He did not accept Elizabeth as the queen of England and wanted her to be removed from the throne.
Pope Pius V excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I.
Pope Pius V miracles
The pope was believed to have miraculously known that the battle of Lepanto to be over, as he himself was in Rome at that time. The pope arranged for the formation of Holy league against the Ottoman Empire as a result of which victory against the Ottoman Empire became possible.

The death of Pope Pius V
Pius V passed away in 1572 and is buried in Rome in the Basilica of St. Mary Major. He was sixty-eight years of age. Pope Clement XI sanctified him in 1712. His feast is organized on April 30th