Voyages of Vasco da Gama, the famous explorer, was born in the city of Sines, in Portugal, in the year 1469. He got the opportunity to be educated as a nobleman and served in the court of King Joao II because he was the son of the town’s governor. He was also employed in the court of King Joao where he served as a nobleman.
Vasco da Gama Biography
In the year 1492, he also worked as a naval officer and commanded the defense of Portuguese colonies from the French on the coast of Guinea. He was then handed over the mission to take control of the very first Portuguese voyage around Africa, to India.
Vasco da Gama had lengthened the sea route discovery of his precursor, Bartolomeu Dias, who had first rounded Africa’s Cape of Good Hope in the year 1488.

He culminated a generation of Portuguese sea discoveries, promoted by the nautical school of Henry the Navigator. Vasco da Gama was known to be the first European who sailed from Europe to Asia.
He did what most other voyagers attempted and failed to achieve. His achievements led to a water route to Asia. This is what Vasco da Gama is most famous for.
How many voyages did Vasco da Gama go on?
Vasco da Gama went on two voyages. His first voyage started in 1497 and the second one began in 1502. On his first voyage, da Gama went to the island of Mozambique first and them India. Vasco da Gama reached Calicut. However, he failed to make any deal or treaty with the ruler of Calicut and had to return empty-handed to Portugal.
First Voyages of Vasco da Gama
Vasco da Gama was renowned for leading an expedition which opened the sea route from Europe via the Cape of Good Hope to India. His accomplishment of the first all water trade that linked Europe and India was victorious. Da Gama’s father, Estavao, was actually the King’s first choice to make the expedition, but then he died before he was able to complete the task.
The King’s next choice was, da Gama’s brother, Paulo, who had refused to grab the opportunity. The King was keen on having the trip made, so he approached Vasco da Gama to make the trip and he completed the mission.
Where did Vasco da Gama land in India?
In India, Vasco da Gama and his fleet first landed in Calicut. The ruler of Calicut, however, immediately disliked da Gama because of his rude behaviour and the cheap gifts brought by him. Moreover, The trade goods he had brought were of hardly any value in India.
He had also mistaken the Muslims in India to be Christians. He could not establish any trade relationship with the Indians and had to leave for Portugal with just a few Hindus with him to learn about their traditions and customs.
Second Voyages of Vasco Da Gama
Vasco da Gama was considered a hero after he arrived in Lisbon. In an effort to protect the trade path with India and usurp Muslim traders, Portugal dispatch another team of vessels headed by Pedro Alvares Cabral.

Where did Vasco da Gama go on his second voyage?
The troop arrived at India in just under six months, and the expedition comprised a fire-fight with Muslim merchants, where Cabral’s crew killed 600 men on Muslim cargo vessels. More importantly, for his home country, Cabral established the first Portuguese trading post in India.
What was the purpose of Vasco da Gama’s Voyages?
The primary motive of Vasco da Gama’s voyage was to discover a direct sea route from Europe to the East and also to make trade relationships with the regions over there.

Vasco Da Gama Ship
In the year 1502, Vasco da Gama, arranged another journey to India which needed around twenty ships. Of that, ten of the ships were under his control, along with his uncle and nephew commanding the others.

In the wake of Cabral’s accomplishment and his many encounters, the King charged da Gama to further secure Portugal’s dominance in the region.
More Info On- Vasco Da Gama Biography of Life, Journey, Ships, Route, Family