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Spain before the Armada

This article is a part of all information about the Spanish Armada. Here is the complete list.

How was Spain before sailing of Armada?

How was Prince Phillip? What was his policy?

When did the Spanish armada sail?

When did England know about Armada?

How was the early fight between the Spanish and the English?

How did the battle with Spanish armada progress?

How did the Dutch help in fight with Spanish Armada?

How was the Chase, fire and final countdown?

How was England’s resistance against the armada?

What was the significance of British defeating the Spanish armada?

The most formidable and powerful monarchy


To understand and get a better glimpse of why ‘The Spanish Armada’ actually took place, it is important to understand the life of Europe and to be precise, Spain before the attack. Spain was one of the most formidable and omnipotent monarchies of Europe. In fact, it was presumed that defeating Spain was impossible. It had the best armaments, Naval fleets, Bulky Ships, and Huge naval base.

The Spanish Naval Base and Ships

The Spanish Naval Fleet

 Invincible and Indisputable

There were other reasons for its prominence. One of the reasons was the marriage between Isabella and Ferdinand ( Both popular names then).

Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain
Isabella and Ferdinand
Marriage - Isabella and Ferdinand
The Marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand in Spain


They were the sovereign heads of Castile and Aragon. This was like a century ago before the Armada actually took place. So much so was the confluence and influence of Spain, that it was considered to be undefeatable and also called ‘ The Invincible and Indisputable Armada’ in European history and chronology.

Trade and Commerce Expanded Exponentially

1492 Columbus-Discovery of the New World

We all know about Columbus discovering the New World in 1492. Yes, it is during this time that Spain was rising to immense power and popularity not only in Europe but throughout the world. So much so was its threat that the Sovereigns, then coming under one supreme governance came to consider itself the most powerful and the biggest of all European monarchies. The stories of Spanish folklore and Spanish adventure has always been popular throughout history. It was also during this period and phase that Spain was gradually making its naval base powerful and indispensable. Trade and commerce were beginning to grow. New wealth was being accumulated in the form of raids and plunder.

Spanish Loots

The area was expanding and coming under Spanish influence. In fact, one of the biggest accomplishments was the conquer and plunder of Mexico and Peru in 1505. This was a huge victory and the wealth of these two monarchies also helped in expanding Spain’s wealth, affluence, power, and might. This eventually led to the growth and expansion of Spain as a superpower. The consequence was such that not only large cities started coming up but also trade and commerce grew at an alarming rate, the rivers were also vast oceans of treasure. Everything was conspiring to make Spain not only invincible but also a rich civilization.

The Making of a Nation State

The grandson of Isabella and Ferdinand,  Emperor Charles, the fifth. In 1516, he united Spain with Austria. He rose to power with great conviction and under him Spain expanded physically. The dominion of Charles had no opposition. His son’s name was Phillip, the second. In 1556. Charles gave up his throne and divided the monarchy into two halves. The first half comprised of Austria and Germany which was given to Ferdinand, who was Charles brother and Spain, Holland and Belgium to his heir.

King Phillip, the second of Spain
Phillip, the Second
Phillip, the second of Spain
Portrait of Phillip, the Second

Richness and Opulence Everywhere

By this time, Spain had flourished in all aspects of life and its affluence and opulence began to show everywhere. In 1587, Mary Queen of Scots, Spain’s Catholic accomplice was executed. This angered Phillip, the second who wanted to take revenge and avenge the wrong done to his country. This was the main reason behind the Spanish Armada to be launched as a massive campaign later comprising of 150 ships. At this time, the enormous power of the naval base of Spanish ships was such that it became a major threat for other European countries. It had no match. All other monarchies were comparatively small and less powerful. England was also no match for Spain at this time.

The Final Reason

Phillip, the second wanted to invade England to give it a big jolt and setback. He felt this would help him to take revenge and also maintain his hegemony and supremacy. He wanted to carry on the legacy forward and prove that Spain was the strongest and most affluent of all European powers. This ultimately led to one of the most important invasions in the history of English civilizations.

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