Home » Character and Policy of Philip II of Spain

Character and Policy of Philip II of Spain

This article is a part of all information about the Spanish Armada. Here is the complete list.

How was Spain before sailing of Armada?

How was Prince Phillip? What was his policy?

When did the Spanish armada sail?

When did England know about Armada?

How was the early fight between the Spanish and the English?

How did the battle with Spanish armada progress?

How did the Dutch help in fight with Spanish Armada?

How was the Chase, fire and final countdown?

How was England’s resistance against the armada?

What was the significance of British defeating the Spanish armada?

Ambitious and Powerful


One of the strongest and most ambitious rulers to ever rule Spain was Phillip II. He was very mercenary and greedy. His greed was capable of ruthlessly murdering anyone who came in between him and his coveted ambitions. His sole motive was the expansion of his empire. Phillip II was the king of Spain and Portugal. He ruled both the Spaniards and the Portuguese. He was infamous for his bloody ruthless nature and dogmatism.  He was arrogant and bigoted. He believed that a good king should focus on the expansion of his kingdom and propagate his religion. To meet this end, he could cross any line and do anything. He wanted his religion to be accepted by all and to achieve this purpose end he started indiscriminate torture and heresy.

Phillip II of Spain
Phillip II


His Early Life

Phillip II was the son of the Holy Roman king Charles Vth and  Isabell, who was from Portuguese. In his life, he got married four times. Phillip was a good statesman but his way was wrong. Just for his mercenary desires,  he started a very ruthless and barbaric policy of governance. He was brutal.

But one thing is for sure, under him, Spain reached its epitome and pinnacle of success. He was the brain behind preparing the Invincible Armada. He is considered a pioneer of Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation. He felt it was his duty to preserve his nation and the Roman Catholic religion, for this, he often used barbaric ways and methods. The ways he used could reach any limits of ruthless political tyranny and barbarism.

Personal Life

In personal life, King Philip II was austere and a great lover of books, fiction, arts and stories. Under him, the Spaniards welcomed the Golden Age of Spanish literature and literary achievements. He was also a very doting and loving father. As far as his kingdom is concerned he was always very ambitious and worked hard to change all the pitfalls in the system. In fact, such was his ways that it was very difficult for the popes to understand how he reigned and what he chose.

Phillip II of Spain
The Portrait Of Phillip II


Dogmatic and Vain

Despite, all the qualities it is believed that Phillip II was very dogmatic and he wanted his religion and dictates to be universally accepted and he could go to any extreme to achieve this. He used to feel very angry, disgusted and frustrated if he did not have his way. When Elizabeth reused his proposal he got very infuriated and he wanted to take his revenge.

In the last years of his life, he harboured the feeling of revenge and hatred which was brewing and growing stronger with every passing day. He was so agitated with England that he planned to invade England. For this, he started his preparation. By this time he was already used to sending his army, destructive armaments and naval base to attack other countries. One such invasion was made on the rebellious groups in Belgium, however, by now he was getting only defeat and his cherished dreams of ruling Europe were being thwarted.

King Of Spain and Queen Of England
Phillip II and Queen Elizabeth I


The Wish to Conquer his Rival

His hatred for England was growing day by day. He had made up his mind to attack his rival power, England. He had started his preparations long ago but gradually he strengthened his naval base with concerted efforts and full force. At last, his supreme wish and cherished dream of attacking England realised in 1588.

At this time Queen Elizabeth was ruling the throne of England. He had invested his energies, wealth and manpower in building the Invincible Armada. It consisted of a huge naval base and around 130 ships which were destined to face defeat later. Phillip II had terrible last years. Because of his defeat and unsuccessful conquests. he became mad and frustrated.

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