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All about Leif Erikson

Below is a detailed article that talks all about Leif Erikson – a Norse explorer from Iceland. He was known to be the first man ever to set foot on the surface of North America, even before Christopher Columbus. He established the Norse settlement in Vinland. He was Norwegian by origin. Let us learn more about him below.

Who was Leif Erikson?


A life-sized sculpture of Leif Erikson

Leif Erikson was a Norse explorer from Iceland. He is known to be the first man to set foot on the surface of North America, even before Christopher Columbus. He established the Norse settlement in Vinland called Leifsbudir. He was Norwegian by origin.

When was Leif Erikson born?

The exact date of birth of Leif Erikson is not known. However, according to many findings, it is discovered that he would have been born between 970 AD – 980 AD. His place of birth cannot be determined accurately either but is believed to be Iceland. He was born to Eric the Red and his wife Thjodhild. In his early life, he was known to have been a Viking.

Where was Leif Erikson from?

Leif Erikson’s family began with his father Eric the Red, who was also a famous explorer of Norwegian origin. His place of birth cannot be determined accurately either but is believed to be Iceland. However, he spent most of his life in Greenland.

Leif Erikson – family

An old drawing of Erik the Red, father of Leif Erikson

Leif Erikson’s family began with his father Eric the Red, who was also a famous explorer of Norwegian origin. Leif’s mother as Thjodhild. He was the grandson of Thorvaldr Asvaldsson who was a distant relative of Naddodd – the man who discovered Iceland. Leif also had three siblings. The brothers were  Thorsteinn and Thorvaldr. His sister was called Freydis. The entire family was banished from Norway as the grandfather of Erik – Thorvaldr was accused of manslaughter. They all, therefore, moved to Greenland.

What country did Leif Erikson come from?

Leif Erikson’s family began with his father Eric the Red, who was also a famous explorer of Norwegian origin. His place of birth cannot be determined accurately either but is believed to be Iceland. However, he spent most of his life in Greenland.

Leif Erikson – Achievements

As were his ancestors, Leif Erikson was an explorer. He had a crew of hefty Viking men alongside him that set out with him in the year 999 AD. He made his way to Norway where King Olaf was the ruler. The dawn of Christianity was over the nation of Norway. Leif Erikson too became a Christian and was asked to spread the religion among his place of birth – Greenland.

According to many sagas of the Europeans, Leif Erikson was the first to land North America as well. It is believed that he rescued two shipwrecked men on these barren lands and brought them back to Greenland. Here, he preached more of Christianity to the people of Greenland. He prepared himself for another expedition by approaching the merchant – Bjarni. He purchased his ship from Bjarni. He was supposed to be joined by his father who backed out at the last minute.

A painting of Leif Erikson on the North American Shore

Later, he collected a group of 35 men and set sail. Leif followed the route given by Bjarni and landed at a rocky place then known as Helluland. Today, it is possible that it is the Baffin Islands that he landed on. Moving on, he landed in a forested area known as Markland.

It is possible that this was the land of Labrador. On the way, he found himself a plentiful supply of salmon for him and his men and found himself in a mild climate area.

The group of thirty-five men divided themselves into two groups – one to explore the country and the other to wait at the shore. Leif was exploring the country when he found that the land was full vine and grapes. Therefore, he named it ‘Vinland’. The crew blended in the land of Vinland and made a small settlement of their own.

They called it ‘Leifsbudir’. Leif filled up his ships with a cargo full of grapes and high-quality grapes and timber and took it with him to Greenland where he would sell them and make a fortune.

A modern painting of Leif Ericson encountering with the Red Indians on the shore of North America

He later came to be known as ‘Leif the lucky’ for his discoveries. Archaeological excavations and extensive research in the 1960s has suggested that a Norse site existed on the tip of the Newfoundland. This is believed to have been Leifsbudir.

This suggests that the Norsemen came to America and Canada at least 500 years before Christopher Columbus. According to many archaeologists and researchers, the Gulf of St Lawrence is believed to be Vinland.

According to many well-known sagas, Vinland consisted of many settlements.

Leif Erikson route

According to an Icelandic saga, Leif had heard the story of this land from the merchant Bjarni after his journey to Norway. Leif came back from Norway to Greenland to preach Christianity which he learned under the rulership of King Olaf.

Map showing the route of Leif Erikson from Iceland to North America

Leif Erikson was an explorer that travelled by sea, the only means available for long distances. According to the Eirik’s saga, he said off the coast of Greenland with a group of men and plentiful supplies.

He landed on the North American land to a place that was abundant with fertile soil, a good climate and plenty of wild grapes growing all over. The land was full of vine and grapes, hence named Vinland by Leif Erikson.

Why did Leif Erikson explore?

Leif came from a family of explorers. Legend has it, that his father and grandfather were explorers too. The needed to expand boundaries beyond the land which made him move out of Greenland and find the land of Vinland – present-day North America. Other than that, the merchant Bjarni had told Leif Erikson about the land.

He was told that the land was full of fertile soil and good climate. Leif went in the hope that he would find things on his way back that he can sell into Europe. On the way, he found himself a plentiful supply of salmon for him and his men and found himself in a mild climate area. Leif filled up his ships with a cargo full of grapes and high-quality grapes and timber and took it with him to Greenland where he would sell them and make a fortune.

When did Leif Erikson discover America?

According to many sagas of the Europeans, Leif Erikson was the first to land North America as well. It is believed that he rescued two shipwrecked men on these barren lands and brought them back to Greenland.

What did Leif Erikson discover?

According to many sagas of the Europeans, Leif Erikson was the first to land North America as well. It is believed that he rescued two shipwrecked men on these barren lands and brought them back to Greenland. Here, he preached more of Christianity to the people of Greenland. He prepared himself for another expedition by approaching the merchant – Bjarni. He purchased his ship from Bjarni. He was supposed to be joined by his father who backed out at the last minute.

Later, he collected a group of 35 men and set sail. Leif followed the route given by Bjarni and landed at a rocky place then known as Helluland. Today, it is possible that it is the Baffin Islands that he landed on. Moving on, he landed in a forested area known as Markland. It is possible that this was the land of Labrador. On the way, he found himself a plentiful supply of salmon for him and his men and found himself in a mild climate area.

The group of thirty-five men divided themselves into two groups – one to explore the country and the other to wait at the shore. Leif was exploring the country when he found that the land was full vine and grapes. Therefore, he named it ‘Vinland’.

The crew blended in the land of Vinland and made a small settlement of their own. They called it ‘Leifsbudir’. Leif filled up his ships with a cargo full of grapes and high-quality grapes and timber and took it with him to Greenland where he would sell them and make a fortune.

Where did Leif Erikson explore?

Leif Erikson went to Norway where he learned about Christianity. According to many sagas of the Europeans, Leif Erikson was the first to land North America as well. It is believed that he rescued two shipwrecked men on these barren lands and brought them back to Greenland. Here, he preached more of Christianity to the people of Greenland.

He prepared himself for another expedition by approaching the merchant – Bjarni. He purchased his ship from Bjarni. He was supposed to be joined by his father who backed out at the last minute.

After this, he set out with thirty-five men to explore the North American continent. He founded the settlement of Vinland in present-day Canada where he found plenty of vine and grapes that he brought back to Greenland in large cargo.

 10 facts about Leif Erikson

  • Leif Erikson was a huge Norseman of Viking origin with a charming persona.
A statue of Leif Erikson in Iceland
  • Leif Erikson had two sons after his exploration journey.
  • According to this Icelandic Chronicles, he was also in America where he rescued two shipwrecked men and brought them to Greenland.
  • A ‘Leif Erikson day’ is celebrated in the cartoon tv show – Sponge Bob Square Pants – Season II!
  • Leif Erikson’s father – Erik the Red actually had crimson red hair. He is may have been the original colonizer of Greenland.
  • Leif worked as the royal bodyguard of King Olaf in Norway where he learned about Christianity and became a missionary.
  • Freydis was Leif’s half-sister. According to legend, she murdered a number of women with an ax.
  • There are statues of Leif Erikson in Milkauwee and Chicago in the United States.
Still from the 1928 film, The Viking
The statue of Leif Erikson in Chicago, Illinois
  • He visited the Baffin Islands.
  • Leif was portrayed as a character in a 1928 film – The Viking.
Still from the 1928 film, The Viking

What did Leif Erikson accomplish?

According to many sagas of the Europeans, Leif Erikson was the first to land North America as well. It is believed that he rescued two shipwrecked men on these barren lands and brought them back to Greenland. Here, he preached more of Christianity to the people of Greenland.

He prepared himself for another expedition by approaching the merchant – Bjarni. He purchased his ship from Bjarni. He was supposed to be joined by his father who backed out at the last minute.

Later, he collected a group of 35 men and set sail. Leif followed the route given by Bjarni and landed at a rocky place then known as Helluland. Today, it is possible that it is the Baffin Islands that he landed on. Moving on, he landed in a forested area known as Markland. It is possible that this was the land of Labrador. On the way, he found himself a plentiful supply of salmon for him and his men and found himself in a mild climate area.

The group of thirty-five men divided themselves into two groups – one to explore the country and the other to wait at the shore. Leif was exploring the country when he found that the land was full vine and grapes. Therefore, he named it ‘Vinland’. The crew blended in the land of Vinland and made a small settlement of their own.

They called it ‘Leifsbudir’. Leif filled up his ships with a cargo full of grapes and high-quality grapes and timber and took it with him to Greenland where he would sell them and make a fortune.

After returning from Vinland, after a few years, he succeeded his father as Chieftain of the town in Greenland that he lived in.

How did Leif Erikson discover North America?

According to many sagas of the Europeans, Leif Erikson was the first to land North America as well. It is believed that he rescued two shipwrecked men on these barren lands and brought them back to Greenland. Here, he preached more of Christianity to the people of Greenland. He prepared himself for another expedition by approaching the merchant – Bjarni.

Bjarni, a Viking merchant

Later, he collected a group of 35 men and set sail. Leif followed the route given by Bjarni and landed at a rocky place then known as Helluland. Today, it is possible that it is the Baffin Islands that he landed on. Leif was exploring the country when he found that the land was full vine and grapes.

Therefore, he named it ‘Vinland’. The crew blended in the land of Vinland and made a small settlement of their own. They called it ‘Leifsbudir’.

How did Leif Erikson travel?

Leif Erikson was an explorer that traveled by sea, the only means available for long distances. According to the Eirik’s saga, he said off the coast of Greenland with a group of men and plentiful supplies. He landed on the North American land to a place that was abundant with fertile soil, a good climate and plenty of wild grapes growing all over. The land was full of vine and grapes, hence named Vinland by Leif Erikson.

The voyage of Leif Erikson

Leif Erikson for kids

The story of Leif Erikson is a well-known legend told to kids all over the world. Read the article to know more about the Viking explorer – Leif Erikson.

Leif Erikson movie

Leif was portrayed as a character in a 1928 film – The Viking. He is also featured in the novel – Vinland the good. A Japanese writer – Makuto Yukimura wrote a manga about him in Vinland Sagas.

The Vinland Sagas


Leif Erikson – Timeline

Time of occurrence / Date Event
Between 970 – 980 AD The birth of Leif Erikson in Iceland.
986 The Erikson family moved to Greenland from Iceland after Leif’s grandfather committed a scandal.
999 AD Leif’s ship was blown off the coast when he was on his way to Norway but ended up in North America where he spent some time and set out for Norway again.
1000 AD Leif was in Norway.
1001 AD He became a missionary and came back to Greenland to preach Christianity from Norway.
1002 AD Leif heard about the land of vine and timber from Bjarni the merchant and set sail to Canada.
1003 AD He went to Vinland, collected a massive amount of grapes and timber and brought it back to Greenland.
1020 AD Death of Leif Erikson.
1838 AD All the journeys of Leif Erikson were recorded in Norse and were discovered by the Americans after which Leif became popular in America and was regarded as one of the ancient people that discovered the continent.
1867 AD Remains of Leif’s ship were found in Norway – regarded as Viking remains.
1887 AD Leif Erikson Memorial statue was built in Boston. His accomplishments are applauded ever since.
1963 AD Viking remains were discovered in Canada!
1965 AD Leif Erikson’s day began to be celebrated. The 9th of October is regarded as the day that the Vikings entered North America and is dedicated to Leif.

Leif Erikson – Christianity

Leif was inspired by Christianity in Norway, where he learned about religion. He decided to become a missionary when he preached about Christianity in Greenland. He was basically the one to bring Christianity to Greenland.

Leif Erikson Commemorative Coin

There are two Commemorative Millenium coins dedicated to Leif Erikson. One is in America and the other is in Iceland. The one in America is a silver one dollar coin with the portrait of Erikson on one side and the other with the ship on the other side. The coin in Iceland had the portrait on Leif Erikson on one side and the other side denoted the Icelandic coat of arms. The coin was worth 1000 krona.

Map of Leif Erikson’s voyage or Leif Erikson Exploration map

Map showing the route of Leif Erikson from Iceland to North America
The voyage of Leif Erikson

Leif Erikson – Death

Leif is known to have been alive in 1019. he passed on his chieftaincy to his son Thorkell. The exact date or reason for his death is known. The place of his death should have been Greenland but one cannot say for sure. However, it happened sometime between 1020 to 1025 AD.

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