Queen of England
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Facts about Elizabethan times

Explore one of the largest resources for the study of British history from Roman times to middle ages. Learn everything about the history of the English language, various eras in British history, and all facts about the Elizabethan era.

Information about the Elizabethan era is incomplete without all the explorers and pirates, Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama and the one and only William Shakespeare.

Elizabeth i Queeb

Queen Elizabeth I Bio


Know more about life of Queen Elizabeth I & her achievements

Biography of Elizabeth i Elizabethan clothing of men and women

Clothing of Women/Men

Men & women’s Fashion during the golden age

People’s Clothing: Read more Elizabethan Women & gender roles

Women’s Life and Role

Daily life and gender roles of men & Women in the society

Women’s Life: Read more Daily life of people in elizabethan era

Daily Life of People

Facts about Jobs & Occupations of common people and nobility

Social life: Read more Elizabethan games, Sports

Games & Pasttimes

Information about Sports & entertainment activities

Sports played: Read more Elizabethan era medication

Elizabethan Medicines

Diseases during middle ages and medicines used for treatment

Diseases & Medicines: Read more

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Weapons & Battles

Typical weapons of choice for the warriors during wars & battles

Weapons facts: Read more Elizabethan social structure

Social Classes

Nobility, Gentry and their social structure & hierarchy

Class structure: Read more Education in Elizabethan times

Children’s Education 

What did they study during middle ages?

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“Probably the best resource on British history. And the blog looks lovely! Linda”

I have been teaching the Elizabethan era in my school using your website. Thank you for the awsome work!

hi from Kolkata! We are a bunch of students who want to thank you for the great collection of medieval times information. We are putting together a play and it as hugely useful- Saikat

Eagerly waiting for the upcoming new section on ben Jonson

Medieval Times

Middle ages

Middle age history

All about medieval times in the United Kingdom

Medieval England Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

Achievements of the great middle-age explorer

Columbus achievements Vasco da Gama

Vasco da Gama

All about his exploration and ships and achievements

Timeline of Voyages

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