When was the Fortune Theatre Built?
Built in the 1600s, the Fortune Elizabethan Theatre is christened after the Roman Goddess of Fortune whose statue adorns the entrance of the Fortune Theatre in North London Elizabethan plays were staged in a variety of places back in England. Although a number of playhouses had been structured, the plays were performed in places like the common town yard or one of the houses of the royals or noblemen.

What type of stage is the Fortune Theatre?
The Fortune Theatre was made by keeping in mind the structure and features of the Globe because Fortune was supposed to be a competitor of the Globe.IT, therefore, had the same design and structure as the Globe. The Fortune had a wide and open yard and its stage was rectangular.
A roof covered the stage and the gallery space contained the gentleman’s room, twopenny rooms. There was a dressing room backstage.
The Globe Theatre
Facts about the Fortune Theatre:
Built to compete with the ever-famous Globe Theatre, the Fortune Elizabethan Theatre was to be even more famous than its archenemy, in terms of ambience, stage structure and overall expression of construction. Furthermore, this Fortune Elizabethan Theatre was also famous as an amphitheatre as well.
The approximate capacity if the Fortune Elizabethan Theatre ranged from a thousand to three thousand people per plays that were staged. The structure of the Fortune
Theatre was at an initial cost of five hundred and twenty pounds, whereas the reconstructed one is priced at a thousand and one hundred pounds. The Fortune Elizabethan Theatre was burnt to the ground by a fire accident in the year 1621 and it was rebuilt and re-opened in the year 1623.
Fortune Elizabethan Theatre
The puritan controversy led to its closure in the year 1642. One of the famous performing theatre groups at that time, who performed at the Fortune Elizabethan Theatre, was the Admiral’s Men.
The Fortune Elizabethan Theatre was a comfortable area to stage the plays in summer due to its openness and width. Often the Fortune Theatre has been associated with activities that are not taken well by the state, as the location of the theatre was considered amidst the cities foulest areas. The Fortune Elizabethan Theatre was demolished in the year 1661.
Construction of Elizabethan Theatre
The construction was settled with an open circular area for presentation with a stage, protruding out to enable the actors to mingle with the audience. Rooms were allotted and there were trap doors to provide all sorts of effect during a play. As long as the Fortune Elizabethan Theatre was in action, it was pretty popular and attempts have been very strong to maintain its tradition- in place, presentation and culture.
As a heritage site in London, the area where the Fortune Elizabethan Theatre stood, is now presently the place where it is remembered as Playhouse Yard, Central Street, London. The Fortune Elizabethan Theatre was one of the largest amphitheatres that were built during the 1600s and today it is considered one of the best works of classical England.
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